Most civil and coastal structures cannot be designed without detailed knowledge of foundation engineering and soil-structure interaction. Geotechnical engineering is a fundamental part of Delta Marine Consultants Singapore’s design process. It is the application of soil and rock mechanics to the design of structures on or in the ground. It is a broad discipline consisting of several area’s including site characterisation, parameter evaluation, the eventual geotechnical design and the site engineering. Soil and rock are highly complex and variable materials. The uncertainty of the behaviour of the ground poses risks as well as opportunities, and expert knowledge of soil and rock mechanics is essential to sound and reliable designs.
Delta Marine Consultants Singapore’s qualified specialists are dealing with these risks and opportunities, using state of the art methods and lessons learned at previous projects. A team of specialists who prepare specifications for soil investigation, perform soil characterisation, define design parameters, perform the required analyses and supervise and interpret various static and dynamic testing methods.
Delta Marine Consultants Singapore has extensive in the field of foundation design, soil interpretation, engineering geology and soil structure interaction. The experience we gained on design methods as well as execution aspects are employed to support the challenging new projects of the future clients of Delta Marine Consultants Singapore.